Evolution of the events industry has seen changes in tastes and trends, but the ability to sell the dream and the ability to inspire customers with a transaction has been left behind.
The goal of any event is to inspire, invoke emotion, create a memorable experience that in many cases leaves a hallmark in our lives. So why haven’t we evolved in helping our customers create these events?
We’ve done nothing to make it easier to find event suppliers. We’ve followed trends with business directories, mailing lists, internet listings and referrals. We’ve used google and spent precious marketing dollars on social media but we haven’t taken the customers buying experience into our own hands, much like we do with the events themselves.
That’s all about to change.
Traditional directories are deader than the rolodex. They provide outdated list-based services that are highly cumbersome for customers and do not have the flexibility to inspire a connection.
Our customers are on the internet, they’re searching through google, but they’re still not finding your business because of growing noise. When they search, they see your competitors first and despite substantial costs, digital directories still don’t favour the most meticulous and talented event suppliers.
Suppliers need to beat the noise. Too often, event suppliers are compared to peers in the same fields. This florist vs that florist, this theme vs that theme – We know the perfect event comes from collaboration of suppliers that work well together to bring a dream to life. So why do we force our customers to do this legwork online?
There is no value in an organisation being compared to peers without ability to showcase products.
The industry needs a new marketplace that inspires their customers to spend their precious dollars on an event that they know will fulfil their dream. Customers should be shopping based on what they’re inspired by and follow their desires to find suppliers in a crowded market.
It is becoming increasingly important to connect the physical and digital shopping experience to create a seamless environment for the consumer. In the events industry, the outcome is the only place we truly demonstrate the value of effort. We’re measured on our past performance but how do we bring the physical dream into the digital world?
Designa is shifting the paradigm for those in the event industry, solving age-old obstructions to help businesses connect with customers ready to buy, with richer, more relevant material.
Designa is shifting the paradigm for those in the event industry, solving age old obstructions to help businesses connect with customers ready to buy, with richer, more relevant material.