Designa Studio

The complete guide for creating the best stage designs

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The complete guide for creating the best stage designs

If you are looking to create an unforgettable stage for your upcoming event, look no further than the event design tool. This powerful tool will let you easily create a stage that is perfect for your needs. With a variety of features and options available, you can create a stage that is sure to wow your guests. So why wait? Start designing your perfect stage today!

What is stage design?

In the theater world, stage design is known by many other titles, including scenography, scenic design, production design, and stage design. Stage design is primarily the profession and process of planning and producing the scenery for each location in the action of performance, despite the names suggesting a variety of duties and obligations.

What is stage design?
What is stage design?

Common type of stage

Found stages

One of the most basic stages is the discovery stage. Found stages are non-theatrical venues that are transformed into theater settings. They are also known as found spaces or profile theaters.

The appeal of found stages is that they enable theater to be successfully produced in any setting. On these stages, spectators generally sit on risers and watch the “stage.” They don’t call for theatrical stagings like props, lighting, or other components.

Proscenium stages

The proscenium stage is arguably the most recognisable of all the various kinds of theatrical sets. Although many people might not be familiar with it by name, when you think of a stage, this stage’s classic design comes to mind. 

The proscenium arch, an architectural frame encircling the stage that need not be in the shape of an arch, is one of the classic characteristics of a proscenium stage.

Typically, proscenium phases are deep from front to rear. The stage’s back may be raked so that as it advances away from the audience, it gradually slopes. An “apron” or “forestage” is created when the front of the stage extends into the audience beyond the proscenium frame. Orchestra pits below the front center of the stage and a fly tower above the stage for moving set pieces and lighting are other proscenium stage characteristics that are frequent.

Proscenium stages
Proscenium stages

Thrust stages

A thrust stage is a stage that extends into the audience on three sides and connects to the backstage area at its upstage end in the theater. It is also referred to as a platform stage or an open stage.

While maintaining the usefulness of a backstage area, a thrust offers the advantage of fostering greater intimacy between actors and the audience than a proscenium.

In a thrust stage theater, the audience may see the stage from three or more sides, similar to an arena. Since the audience can observe the performance from a variety of angles, blocking, props, and scenery typically require careful thought to ensure that no angle is obscured. For example, if a high back chair is positioned stage right, the action on stage left may be obscured.

Thrust stages
Thrust stages

Arena stages

Audiences can be found on one side of an end-on stage, three sides of a thrust stage, and all four sides of an arena stage. These kinds of stages are employed when the background is not necessary and when the audience must participate actively in the performance.

In most cases, seating at these arrangements is tier-style, much like in a football stadium.

Arena stages
Arena stages

Elements to consider when creating the best stage designs

Lighting design

Everything must be deliberate and serve a purpose when planning stage lighting. You should consider the significance and function of each light when you set up your stage lighting.

Positive lighting guidelines are strategies that purposefully use particular lighting elements to produce a particular result. For instance, you might use a spotlight to attract the audience’s focus to your star actor during their key scene if you want them to stand out.

Negative lighting rules, on the other hand, force you to choose what to do by selecting what will not work. This method enables you to exclude particular lighting methods from your list of choices so that you can focus on identifying the one that will best serve your needs.

Lighting design - Best stage designs
Lighting design

Truss design

Truss is a versatile and essential lighting gear that is no longer just for hanging lights. Several thousand feet of a truss are now utilized to support lighting, video, and scenic equipment, as well as being incorporated into stage designs as their own scenic elements, in today’s stadium concert lighting rigs, which have gotten to epic dimensions.

Here are some things regarding trusses that you should know. First, there are numerous shapes, sizes, and, more crucially, load ratings available for trusses. Exactly what you plan to use the truss for will determine the kind of truss you select.

Truss is available in a variety of usage categories according to its uses and loads ratings, in addition to different shapes and sizes. Light-duty, general-purpose, heavy-duty or super, and specialty trusses fall under this utilization.

Consider where you will hang your truss and whether the audience will be able to view it as you design it. If so, put it in such a way that you may use its intriguing shape and surface colors to your advantage and incorporate it into the scenery as another piece.

Truss design
Truss design

3D stage design

Event planning naturally fits the 3D design. However, 3D design tools are king when it comes to designing stages for events.

Additionally, they aren’t solely used for elaborate event productions. Designing stages for every event, from a panel discussion at a tech conference to the stage for a wedding band, is made easier by having a 3D viewpoint.

The comfort and visibility of key speakers or performers are given priority on a stage that is thoughtfully built to make the most of the venue’s arrangement.

3D stage design
3D stage design

Set design with Designa

With Designa, you can virtually walk through your event setup before the big day, giving you the freedom to make changes and ensure it’s the event of your dreams.

Remove the stress of event planning by seeing how your event will look on the big day in stunning 3D.

The revolutionary 3D event planning tool from Designa allows you to plan, design, and style your event using real venues and event suppliers!

To wrap up

Your event’s stage design is critical to its success. The best stage designs can make your event more attractive, organized, and professional. It can also help you control the flow of traffic and create a more efficient workspace.

But how do you choose the best stage design for your event? And once you’ve chosen a design, how do you implement it? We’re here to help. Our team of experts has years of experience in event planning and will work with you to create the perfect stage design for your next event. Contact Designa today to get started.

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